
"I got to thinking one day about all those women on the Titanic who passed up dessert at dinner that fateful night in an effort to 'cut back.' From then on, I've tried to be a little more flexible."
(Erma Bombeck)

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All dressed up with no place to go

Today is my seventh day post-chemo (last treatment) and I'm feeling better and better everyday. I took my last chemo treatment early in anticipation of feeling good enough to run some last-minute Christmas errands this week, but it looks like it's not going to happen. Too much snow! Aagghh! I shouldn't complain too much, though. I did get out of the house two days ago for some grocery shopping and eating Mexican food. It was great; I felt almost "normal" again. Unfortunately, my taste buds aren't cooperating these days. I don't know when I'll get my sense of taste back, but nothing tastes good anymore. I ate a piece of cheese the other day and it was like, "What is this? A piece of rubber?"

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Feeling grateful . . . chemo is done!

I thought I'd take advantage of the emotional high that I am experiencing two days after my last chemo treatment to post to my blog. I am feeling much better than I did after the third treatment (hope it lasts). I wised up and took something to help me sleep the last two nights, which I have found immensely helpful. Waking up feeling rested in the morning makes a big difference! Still taking anti-nausea drugs, too. I've decided to go with the drug-taking up front and just deal with it. I have over-the-counter meds to "counter" the side effects of those, too

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Chemo #4 . . . last one!

Well, it looks like I'll be getting my LAST chemo treatment tomorrow, Wednesday, December 17th after all (5 days earlier than scheduled). Woo hoo! I can't quite believe that I'm actually excited about getting chemo. I had my blood counts done today in Mount Vernon and had to make a total of six phone calls to see that the results were faxed to my doctor at Swedish Hospital in Seattle. It's amazing that I had to do so much legwork to get follow up on a simple fax, especially since I talked to the nurses and made it absolutely clear that I needed that info to go to my doctor in Seattle pronto. Sheesh. It would be nice to have a little confidence in a medical establishment's follow-through once in awhile. This is the second time that they dropped the ball on me. But, hey, I'm not going to complain too much. One of the assistants in Mount Vernon called me back (the sharp one) and offered to handle it herself. And she did. Hooray for competency!

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It's not about the hair and other rambling thoughts

It's now two weeks out from my third chemo and I'm feeling pretty decent. Actually, I'm excited about having only ONE MORE chemo treatment . . . yes! Besides, Christmas is coming and I'm looking forward to this special time of year. Yesterday, my husband, daughter, and I made the annual trek (literally one-quarter mile from our house) to the Big Lake Tree Farm in pursuit of the perfect Christmas tree. I felt downright jovial as we trudged through the falling snow. Year after year, we have made this identical pilgrimage, and yet, this year, I appreciated it so much more. Maybe it's because this year, my daughter is a senior and I don't know whether she'll be with us next year to carry out our little excursion. Or maybe it's because this year, I was diagnosed with cancer and I'm so thankful to be alive and be with my family and do these simple things together.

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Chemo #3 . . . not so fun :~(

Yesterday, December 1st, I had my third chemo treatment. Yes! One more to go. I had been told that the third treatment is a little harder on you, and boy, they weren't kidding. My treatment went very smoothly and the infusion of Taxotere was slowed down so that I wouldn't have an allergic reaction. This was fine with me; the nurse asked if I wanted it speeded up and I said, "Nope." Too anxiety-producing! For chemo treatment #3, my husband and I brought along a camera to record my "Chemo Day" for posterity. I'm glad we did it. I thought we might be considered a little wacky for doing so, but I was told that others have done it as well.

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Chemo #3 tomorrow (I hope)

Well, tomorrow (December 1st) I'm scheduled for my third chemo treatment and I am anxious to get the show on the road. After that, I will have one remaining. To quote one woman going through cancer treatment, "Forward, forward, forward!" That's the name of the game. :~) I had a wonderful Thanksgiving with my family (mom, dad, brother, husband, daughter, and a friend from church) and all I can say is that it was another reminder of how precious life is and how blessed I am to be surrounded with the love and support of my family. Truly, truly, I am blessed!

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Best "Cancer Advice" I've received

Nearly two weeks out from my second chemo treatment and I'm feeling fairly close to normal. In case I haven't mentioned it, chemo and the associated drugs (steroids and anti-nausea, etc.) do quite a number on your digestive system. However, my system is getting back on track and, as Martha Stewart would say, "It's a good thing." :~) My eyes have been twitching a lot the last couple of days and I just thought it was annoying, but didn't associate it with chemo. It was nearly driving me crazy today, though, so I searched for "eye twitch" on the discussion boards on and discovered that indeed, eye twitching is associated with neuropathy from the Taxotere chemo drug.

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