Becoming an Orthodox Christian has made profound changes in my life. My spirituality as a Protestant evangelical was mostly based on an intellectual approach to God (and sometimes emotional). It’s hard to explain the difference, but Orthodoxy is so much more . . . holistic.
The Orthodox faith is not mechanical or legalistic. It is therapeutic. One of the great tools I have been given in Orthodoxy is to become familiar with the fathers of the Christian faith. One of them who has a special place in my heart is a guy named "Theophan the Recluse.”
Here’s a passage I love from, What Is The Spiritual Life and How to Attune Onself to It (herein he counsels a young woman on arranging her life):
. . . direct this examination (of your life) in such a way that there will come from it a firm resolve, to give your life over unconditionally into the hands of God. Then pray fervently, crying to the Lord from your heart: ‘I place myself in Thy hands, O Lord. Direct my life and all that touches upon it as it is pleasing to Thee. From henceforth I am relinquishing all care for myself, having only one concern, always to do what is pleasing in Thy sight.’
Say it in this way and in very deed commit yourself entirely into God’s hands, being anxious for nothing, peacefully accepting all situations—whether pleasant or unpleasant—as being deliberately arranged for you by God. Your only concern must be to act in all situations according to God’s commandments. For you, this is the one thing needful. As soon as you do this, there will be an end to all your unrest.
Now you are concerned about yourself, and every situation you want to arrange and turn around according to your good pleasure. When everything doesn’t go just so, you get upset that this isn’t right or that’s wrong. But when you give everything over to the Lord and accept all as coming from Him for your benefit, then you will be free from all earthly cares. You will look around only to see what lesson the Lord is sending so as to act in accordance with it. The commandments can be brought to bear on any situation. Do this and act in accord with the commandments, striving to please God rather than pushing to satisfy your own self-will. Think well on what I have said and make it your aim to attain such a state.
I pray that the Lord deliver you from that situation which you consider unpleasant, insofar, I would add, such deliverance is in keeping with God’s will and for your salvation. Thus, first and foremost, I pray that He will deliver you in His good time. Arm yourself with this faith and have patience. Just looking at the course of events, we see that they are constantly changing; nothing lasts. That which troubles you will likewise change. The days will come when you will breathe freely, and not only breathe, but like a butterfly flit from one flower to another; you need only patiently to await the trouble’s end.
The housewife puts the pie into the oven and does not remove it from there until she is sure it is properly baked. The Ruler of the world has placed you into the oven, and he is holding you there, waiting until you are done. Have patience and wait. As soon as you are baked through, you won’t sit there an extra minute. You will be immediately taken out. If you try to break loose yourself, you will be like an underdone pie. Arm yourself with patience.
You write, however, that you don’t pray. That is not smart! What did you do, enlist with the pagans? How can one not pray? Don’t just read from the prayer book—tell Him in your own words what is on your heart, and ask for help: “Lord, you see what is bothering me—this and this . . . I cannot straighten myself out. Help me, O Merciful One!” And relate all the particulars of your need, asking for help in accordance with all this. This will be the most genuine prayer.
But why do you listen to him who suggests that you stop praying? Or do you not realize that it is the enemy? It is obviously the enemy. He whispers into your ear: “Give it up;” and sometimes as though seizing the body itself, he hurriedly drags it into bed. These are all his tricks. But he is doing his business, trying to distract you from what is good. However, we must do our work, not abandoning it until we have finished. In this way I beg you to arm yourself with courage, and don’t listen to the enemy, and don’t pay any attention to his whisperings. Getting angry at the enemy is even better. He will immediately flee.